DurhamGate’s strategic location, just 5 miles from Durham, benefits from over 60,000 passing vehicles every day and is within 5 minutes drive of a number of towns and villages.
Local Audience
44 companies on-site |
1,500+ employees on-site |
683 houses on-site |
1,500+ residents on-site |
2,000+ homes within 4 minutes |
Daily Passing Traffic
A167 north of Coach & Horses | 12,600 |
A167 south of Thinford | 10,700 |
A688 west of Thinford | 20,500 |
A688 east of Thinford | 19,000 |
Total | 62,800 |
Maximum Drive Times
2 mins ………………………… |
4 mins ………………………… |
6 mins ………………………… |